Android - Mac USB connections on v1.710

Hello, ive been using touchable pro for a while now on android. i just got the beta versions of the app and server running on my mac. (1.710/1.711) i got the wireless connection working fine and its great so far but i cannot for the life of me get the usb local connection to work.

I have installed the abd through the server and set up abd mode on my tablet. i have tried several of the usb modes on the tablet and dont know what i am doing wrong. Can someone please help me figure this out?

Do i need to do anything manually on mac os to make the abd mode work?

I hope this can get worked out. I love touchable and this would be great to get working because wifi isnt always an option for me.

Thank you.

Edit: thank you for adding android usb connection. it has been a long awaited feature for me. keep up the good work devs :slight_smile:


after installing the adb tools, you shoudl find them in your user folder:


Please try to connect your Android Device via US, start touchAble and the server and try to run the port fowarding via terminal:

open the terminal and enter the following command:

~/android_platform-tools_mac/adb reverse tcp:13339 tcp:13339

and check the terminal output.



thank you for your reply. ive been busy lately but i will make sure to try this later.
