As of today the app doesn’t even start again. Using Galaxy Tab S3 (SM T820), android 9.
Can you help?
As of today the app doesn’t even start again. Using Galaxy Tab S3 (SM T820), android 9.
Can you help?
sorry for the incovenience. Could you please try the beta?
THX, how do I get that? Sorry for that maybe silly question, but can’t find it. Purchased my app at google play
my fault, forgot to mention how to apply. Just open the link and download the App.
WORKS! Great!
Many thanks for the immediate reaction. Will post in playstore later…
Thanks for the feedback.
Hello. The Android app is crashing as soon as I open it. I clicked the link provided above, and it takes me to the version that I already have installed. Please help. Thank you!
Samsung Galaxy Tab S7+
Android 11
The same for me. galaxy note20 ultra. touchable 1.650 andoid 11. ableton 11 trial. the server on my desktop is running. itunes and midi are installed. when i start the app on my mobile , the startscreen appears for a second and than dissapears.
Sorry for the super late reply, we have already released a fixed a week ago. Did the update fix your issues?