Bug: Grouped track issue

If the ableton set got any grouped track present, adding new tracks will not show up in touchable.

I can force refresh with wifi symbol and press the active connection, and new tracks will be shown.

Also, when I stop grouped clips, the grouped tracks play arrow will still be green, even though all the clips in the group did actually stop.

When messing around with touchable and grouped tracks, ableton crashes alot.

Is this a known bug and could someone confirm this?

Using Ableton 11, server 1684 and an ipad.

Hello @bantheboy
I’ve never encountered that issue before, I will try to replicate this behaviour on my live set which has several groups and nested groups.
What iPad are you using for Touchable Pro?


Hey Jowday, thanks for your time!

I am using an iPad A2270, just an ordinary one ( but latest ) with 32gb ram.

I made a small video demonstrating the bug.


sorry for the inconvenience. This script should work:

touchAble.zip (118.4 KB)


Thanks Pascal!

I tried it out and yes, the group is reflecting play states fine now. Awesome!

However, if there is a clip present in the first track in group, and I expand the group in touchable, Ableton crashes. If I move this clip to a second channel, no crashes at all.


i tested directly after reading your message and could reproduce the issue unfortunately not while debugging. While testing in debug mode, i could not reproduce the issue. But i will continue testing. I also added some security checks before sending messages to Live (e.g. when a track index is invalid, track_index=-1 for example ), and when processing messages in the ControlSurface. I guess it was an issue of that kind causing Live to crash.

