Changing Chord played

How do you change the chord played when using the pad setup.
It always appears to just plays the whole tone.

Am I missing something obvious as I am new to all this

Possibly you’re getting a bit mixed up with terminology. What exactly do you mean by both chord and whole tone?

One pad (drum pad/ isometric pad/ keyboard) is just going to send one midi note. If you’re hearing a chord it’s because the device rack is set to play that chord when that midi note is received.

Are you new to both ableton and touchable?

I’m relatively new to ableton but still a novice on touchable.
It’s when you play a note on the isometric pad - it plays a 3 note chord, one the next octave up and other the next octave up after that, hence a whole tone.

I understand what you mean.

In this case, the Pad layout and the Isometric layout are both doing exactly the same thing, but allowing you to interact differently and also representing it differently.

Pad layout is designed to look like your traditional grid on a drum machine. (In the same way that the keys layout is meant to look like a keyboard). The isometric layout is a more modern representation, combining the keyboard with the grid. As found on the ableton push and various other controllers.

When you see three ‘different’ notes lighting up simultaneously, it’s not a chord or even three different midi note events being sent. It’s merely revealing that the note you are pressing can be found in two other locations. Look at the note name on each pad - you’ll see that it’s the same.

Of course, there’s no reason why a single midi note event from touchable couldn’t trigger a chord in ableton, but it would need for there to be a midi chord effect in the device chain or for the instrument set up to play a chord.

I hope that’s helpful.

Yes thanks it is.