Clip editing not working

Hi currently I cannot edit clips I get the message the sample is loading and nothing more. I left it 10 minutes but not seeing any sample loading.

Currently happening on my iOS and Windows version.

Any ideas anyone anyone else having this problem.

Reading back through the forums a fix for this was meant to be coming in Oct 18 obviously the last update hasn’t fixed it.

Any chance the devs can give us a update on where they are in pushing out the next bug fixes as they seem pretty quiet. PR relations with customers is key come on guys throw us a bone with a sticky explaining the current state of Touchable Pro development.
@pascal @Christian

I am having the same issue. Not sure if this is the culprit, but one of the touchAble files in Ableton’s remote script folder is not compiling. The file name is It should compile as RemixNetUDP.pyc when Ableton loads. I know that these .py files will not compile if there is an error in the coding. I’m curious to know if this is by design or if there is truly a scripting error preventing it from compiling?.. Would also like to know if anyone else has noticed this in the touchAble remote scripts folder?

@Pascal @Christian