Clip editor sample display not working

When opening a clip the screen stays on “sample loading” without ever displaying the waveform. The display has worked before, albeit erratically, but doesn’t at all right now.
Latest MacOs, iOs versions, touchable and server versions.

Same issue here except I’m on Windows 10 / 64 bit and the clip editor has always displayed “sample loading”. Not once has it ever displayed a waveform. I’ve tried re-installing RTP Midi, iTunes, and both the touchAble Pro server and application with no luck. None of them are blocked by Windows firewall either.

I’m not sure if this is the culprit, but one of the touchAble files in Ableton’s remote script folder is not compiling. The file name is… It should compile as RemixNetUDP.pyc when Ableton loads. It will not compile if there is an error in the coding. I’m curious to know if there is truly a scripting error preventing it from compiling and if anyone else is seeing the same thing.



we are currently working on an update and already included support for all file formats on windows. The current version misses some files formats.

It is not connected with the uncompiled script ;).



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