Clip editor: Sample not loading (ios 9.35)


  1. Can you please send me one of the sample.
  2. Can you try to open the studiomux server with admin privileges? Maybe the folder you want to access are readable for some users.

Edit: I could finally reproduce the mentioned issue and will try to get to the bottom of it.
Edit2: About touchable not beeing able to display the recordered sample. Can you try to open the folder that contains the sample (right click the sample), than close Live and keep the recordered sample. Than open live again, drop the sample on an audio track and try to open the clip editor in touchable.



Yes. Now i can see the sample display if i i let the temp file on directory before exit and drag and drop the file when start ableton again. Maybe the problem is on permissions of temp files. Same on Simpler, on a drumkit i drop the sample and then can display it, but the rest of samples inside drumkit dont display.

P.D: I dont have Studiomux. I have an Android Tablet (Galaxy s4) and Ableton Live 11 on Windows10.
P.D2: Started the server with admin privileges, nothing change.


thanks for the feedback. I can at least reproduce the issue with just recorded files. I don’t remember Live dealing with recorded samples this way on windows. On mac this isn’t an issue at all. Live occupies the audio file, making it impossible for other users/apps to access those.

I will investigate, if we can somehow circumvent this issue.

Sorry, i meant touchAble of course.

Could you send me one of those samples, just in case it is the file format, that we cannot process.



Samples that don’t display are *.aif extensions.

Ok. Now i can see the sample’s display. I don’t know why but it works now.