im getting a , control serface not responding, error. does this mean my ipad or computer?
It is basic the installation, which is to be done by the “manual” procedure, that is, by installing the script, having as its destination the ableton live icon located in the applications folder, and this via the browse that is proposed. Once then connected the controller, iPad or iPhone, via usb cable or via wifi, open Live>settings>midi and here we should see in the two fields “control surface” and “input”, respectively “touchable” and "touchable script "and in the column below "input: touchable "check on track and remote. At this point, opening the app from the controller, everything should run smoothly. If it doesn’t, on the controller app, tap on the network icon, top right, a menu should open with available shortcuts, try opening one or more, just in case. If still this does not result in anything, I would recommend installing on the computer, an older version of the script. Actually, that is what I did as well since the last version would crash several times as soon as it was launched. and when it finally seemed to stabilize after several attempts, it would often disconnect during the gig. Currently, since I installed version 1.539(or something like that…)I haven’t encountered a single problem anymore, no hesitation, and I can even play in multitasking, touchable + a well known and very energy intensive dj app, always on the same iPad, synced with ableton sync.
Once the server is installed and the scripts are set up per the instructions, You also need to click on the network icon in the touchable control surface itself (on the ipad/android tablet) and select the server you want to connect to. I could not find this anywhere documentation and it took me a while to figure that out. It is the icon at the top of the screen that looks like a triangle standing on it’s point. Click on that icon, and there should besomething that says “Status:: ok” in green. Click on that and it will connect toableton.