Disable Blue Box Option

This is more of a question but if not possible yet a feature request:
Since I am finding those blue borders in Session View visually distracting I was looking for some option to disable them. Because I couldn’t find such an option I was wondering if that was implemented already and how to access it? If it’s not yet possible I would really like to see that in a future update.

Thanks in advance

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if you like you can disable the box by changing one simple line in our script. But this will stop Live from following touchAble’s scene/track offset.

open the touchAbleCallbacks.py

on mac you will find the file inside the Live Application bundle:

/Applications/Ableton Live 11 Trial.app/Contents/App-Resources/MIDI Remote Scripts/touchAble/touchAbleCallbacks.py

on win it is located here:

\ProgramData\Ableton\Live x.x\Resources\MIDI Remote Scripts\touchAbleCallbacks.py

go to line 206 or search for “selectionCB(self, msg):”

and add return below the function definition, like this:

def selectionCB(self, msg):
    self.c_instance.set_session_highlight(msg[2], msg[3], msg[4], msg[5], 0) # Zerodebug Change
    #self._session_ring.set_offsets(msg[2], msg[3], width=msg[4], height=msg[5])  # SVH Change #

Thank you that worked really well!
The windows still do open though when selecting clips on the iPad however that is fine by me.


each time a clip gets touched, we notify live. If you like to uncomment/deactivate annother line :).

/Applications/Ableton Live 11 Trial.app/Contents/App-Resources/MIDI Remote Scripts/touchAble/Clips/ClipCallbacks.py

go to line 702-703 and put a # hash in front of the first characters to deactivate/comment the lines.

def viewClipCB(self, msg):
    """Called when a /live/clip/view message is received.
    /live/clip/view     (int track, int clip)      Selects a track to view
    track = LiveUtils.getSong().tracks[msg[2]]
    scene = LiveUtils.getSong().scenes[msg[3]]

    if len(msg) == 4:
        clip  = msg[3]
        clip  = 0
    LiveUtils.getSong().view.selected_track = track
    LiveUtils.getSong().view.selected_scene = scene

    #LiveUtils.getSong().view.detail_clip = track.clip_slots[clip].clip

Yep that worked fine thank you :slight_smile:
Now the the piano roll still opens upon long pressing on a clip in session view but I think that’s supposed to happen, right? Also I think that’s actually useful to have it opened when editing midi.