it would be very nice indeed if we could edit cc messages in the clip editor.
i added it to the feature list. Could you describe a usecase or example for the midimessage editing?
my first use was for trying to edit some spurious expression data from a breath controller.
Ableton has a nasty way of dealing with recording cc messages:
it doesn’t track the cc before recording, so it always records an initial 0 value. only after it receives a new cc value does it record.
e.g. you have filter mapped to the modulation wheel, cc1
you play and decide to record a phrase that starts with the cc1 @ 64 and then move it to 0.
you get the wheel in the right place: in the middle.
start recording
Ableton records cc1 @ 0 not @ 64
you move the modulation wheel, Ableton records value 63 and downwards
the frustrating thing is that Ableton will track automation before recording.
Hi, this would be a grest addition to midi clip editing. I thought it could be already possible but was dissapointed to find out its not.