Fixed length query

Is there any way to have different fixed clip recording length, and launch quant ?

I.E. using Push I generally have clip length set to 4 bars, but I have global launch quant set to 1 bar or instant…

I really don’t see a huge amount of value in having launch quant at 4 bars. I use this for live jam recordings and love touchable for lots of things, but frankly the fixed length implementation is my main issue with just using touchable by itself for live jamming.

If I’m missing something or this isn’t clear, let me know.



you could simply change the fixed recording length from the quantization menu:


Thanks Pascal, I know i can change the fixed length using the quantization menu, however if i do that and then launch another clip without changing it back…the launch quantization is also set…i.e. if I select a clip to record, say a 4 bar loop, and having done that, select another clip to launch, it will launch after 4 bars…whereas I would like to have the following:

Fixed length == 4 bar
Launch quantization == 1 bar

This is something which is supported via the push, where the fixed length can be set independent of the launch quantization.

Hopefully that clarifies my query ?
