How to change track analyze settings?

So I just got Soda and tried to import some tracks, but the bpm of basically every track was wrongly determined.

Even a straight 1 min 150 bpm 4/4 bassdrum only sample was detected as 75 bpm. And everything with 16 th basslines is totally all over the place.

Hello Max. I know this issue, and figured out a workaround. Also the beatgrid was determined incorrectly.
You have to download your music in MP3 format with 44.1kHz with 192kbps sample rate. If you have already a library then batch convert it to this format. With this works like a charm.

ну 192 так себе проигрывать,хотелось бы чтоб 320 проигрывало нормально и анализировало