I so want this to work, but it STILLis not stable!!! Cannot use LIVE!

I am dying to have this amazing app stabilise so I can start using it in my live sets, but it just never seems to settle. I signed up for the beta testing a year ago, excited that it looked like it was moving in the right direction, but gave up participating in frustration with the pace of change.

I just cannot afford to take huge amounts of time away from creating/rehearsing to test.

Now, there is a release out there, I downloaded the latest apps/server and still issues!

  1. No connection available on USB when plugged in.
  2. Can connect on wifi, but connection drops after a while making it useless for live work

At the moment I am just connecting to Touchable Pro on my iPad, and running it alongside my live set but not actually doing anything on the iPad. Every time I do to see if it is still connected, it seems to have lost connection.

I’m on PC, Dell XPS15 7590 32G Ram, 1 TB SSD 64 bit, Ableton Live 10.1.17, Serv version 1.567
iPad Air (3rd Gen) v 1.567 CS

Is anyone getting consistent stability out there?..so frustrating for what looks like an amazing app.

I have not even started testing the app functionality itself, although I seem to be able to so most basic functions whilst the app is connected…it’s the stability that’s driving me crazy.

PS - I see there is a message, please update app when checking connection on iPad??? Not sure what that means, I think I’m 100% up to date.


sorry for the inconvenience. Some of the issues you mentioned have been fixed with the latest ios app update 1.568 (warning to update scripts/server/app when not really required & the malfunctioning display of the current connected server).

Though some users still have connections issues, we are still working on. In case you encounter any unexpected behaviour regularly, could you please activate the log mode, during a session and send us the log file. The log file can be found in the servers install folder.

Regarding USB: Could you please try to reinstall ITunes from this source, the USB connection will not work, if you have installed iTunes from a different source.




Hi Pascal,

Many thanks, and apologies for the desparate shout out…I was just getting frustrated with the incredibly long wait to have this working.

The good news is that after updated itunes and the ios app to 1.568, it seems I have consistent connectivity with USB (which is once more avail). I have only tried making the connection and then having TouchablePro running in the background whilst I work on finishing a track in production - i.e. I am not actually doing anything in TouchablePro. Regardless, the connection stayed solid for about 4 hours of production with some failry large project files, so I am hopeful it will persist when I turn my attention to my live set template which is where I want to use TouchablePr. I will keep testing there and report back if anything comes up.

Thanks again…I think I’m back in business!

I can totally understand the desperation. Especially in a creative process dysfunctional tools totally kills all ambitions… I haven’t touched Ableton Live in 2007 for half a year after it crashed while a friend and i were working on a track, that completely got lost after the crash…

At the moment we are working on 2 more projects with more or less the same functionality than touchable. And luckily we got support from a professional QA/test team, helping us to sort out remaining issues. We will try to sort out the remaining issues as soon as possible.


So…I’m back to have another test of Touchable to see if I can use it in my live set-up.

Sadly I continue to have issues. Initially I was able to connect over wifi, but the connection would break after a bit of use and I would have to restart on iPad. So I looked to try with a USB connection, but that was not available and I saw I had the msg Server Status: Apple USB driver not found…

So, I downloaded from your site and removed current install and installed from your itunes installer. Then itunes would not recognise my ipad with a message that the USB drivers were not installed (from Itunes). After multiple reinstalls, I eventually updated from within iTunes and then was able to access the ipad. But still no USB connection option. So I used your install again, deinstalled the update and reinstalled from your site. Connection was still available in itunes after that, but no Touchable Pro USB option and the Server Status message remains.

Please advise 1) if there is anything I can do to improve the reliability of the connection over wifi (is 2.4 better than 5 for wifi connection?) and
2) How to get the USB connection option back
3) Am I alone in these stability issues, it just seems like this product never stabilises. I have been wanting to incorporate this into my live performance set now for over 2 years and am still waiting for the program to be sufficiently stable to use live.

Very frustrating!!!

v.1.112 SRV
v.1.623 CS
V.10.1.17 Live

Can I get some support with this please.