Hi guys,
Thanks for making such a fine app.
Do you know when it will be safe to upgrade to iOS 14?
I’m waiting for news, as it’ll be a pain to go back - my Touchable Pro setup is pretty solid at the moment.
Hi guys,
Thanks for making such a fine app.
Do you know when it will be safe to upgrade to iOS 14?
I’m waiting for news, as it’ll be a pain to go back - my Touchable Pro setup is pretty solid at the moment.
there are still some problems with ios14 (network, ui, audio units…), we are working on. I recommend to wait. We will let you know, as soon as we fixed all problems.
Hey Pascal - any news on this yet?
iOS is now on 14.4…
Hello, thanks for opening this topic.
Just learning touchable pro now from ios 14.4, is there a known list of problems that I can attribute to things I can’t get working properly?
Enjoying it so far!
all issues related to iOS14 should have been fixed.