iPhone Notch Question

If this was a known issue, my apologies. I have previously used TouchAble Pro on my iPad with no issues. Recently I tried it on my iPhone 12 and the main UI gets cut off on one end of the screen where iPhone has the “notch” design. Is there a setting to adjust the UI so that the entire UI is still visible on iPhone? On my Android with a notch screen design, I did not have issue (the UI shifted not to include the notched portion automatically).


sorry this shouldn’t look like that. We missed to add the iPhone12 layout. Will be fixed within the next update.


Thanks! I updated to the new version today but the layout still is missing (to be exact, I have iPhone 12 Pro Max (the larger size screen). Pls let me know if this profile has been added too as well.


mea maxima culpa, just uploading the new version with the fix. 1.647 should set appropriat spacings for devices with notches.

