I’ve been thinking about this app a lot lately. I had written it off since late last last year as it was very unreliable and I spent too much time trouble shooting it…but I can really see a lot of value in being able to use an AU/VST to manage iOS audio instances in a desktop DAW environment without having to mess with IDAM.
I recently upgraded my old iPad Mini 4 to a 10.5 " Pro version and am amazed that Studiomux works almost flawlessly on it – it can handle pretty much anything I throw at it. Great!
Yet, If I try and do a simple single channel routing on an iPhone 6 or 7+ I get nothing at all.
EDIT: Not nothing on iPhone 7+ but sheer crackling garbage. iPhone 6 is zero…no audio/MIDI at all.
Is this app only intended for iPad? Am I missing something? Does zerodebug even support this app/server anymore?
Hope somebody could chime in here – I’d love for this app to work properly on both iPad and iPhone.