iso keys

hi there,

I have a question, When I switch from keyboards or pads to iso pads in chromatic mode, some keys are repeated. This means if I go from left to right in C scale we have in first row all notes from C to G, ant then in second row notes D# to G are repeated and then the scale goes further. Why on earth are those notes repeated? as hard as I am trying to make sense it just doesnt occur me. is there any possibility to workaround this? I tried building own, but you can just make keyboard which only exist. I have many drum racks containing 64 pads, so I would like to have acces to those without permanently changing octave.

thanks in advance for help



its called isomorphic grid, we just cloned it from push. It allows to play chords pretty easily:


Anyway i put it on a the feature list. We will try to add a non isomorh mode for the grid.



Hey Pascal,

that would be really really great. I have one more question. Would it be possible to make keys and pads a bit more dynamic? Meaning every key and pad have different velocity asigned as being the highest at the bottom and getting lower as you press it higher. That would be a killer feature.

Thanks a bunch.


Already implemented. Open the Velocity button in the bottom bar, switch from global to range mode and select a range with the help of the dual slider.



from Version 1.675 you will find the option to change the grid size of the Key Module “Pads”, we kept the Isomorphic Grid as it is :).

The option can be found in the “Scale” Menu.



Wou, Pascal thats great. You really did great job with touchable, ableton should hire you in every case. I have push 2, but I find myself more and more using touchable, so good is it.

One last question: any plans to implement more features in arrangment view? I see there is option, but when I press edit nothing is in there. Being able to edit clips, move them, copy and paste, automation etc - well push would look like ancient gear compared to touchable.

Thanks a bunch for quich responses…



the arrangment view features are in the making. Unfortunately the available features from Live’s API are very limited at this point. Since Ableton Live 11 is the first version that allows to access the Arrangment View, i hope more features to become accessible in future.

Unfortunately all features you mentioned are not available in Live’s current state.
