It’s possible to adapt Scrips between Touchable Pro and 3?

Hello, Pascal, developers…
How are you doing?

It’s possible to adapt the scripts from Touchable Pro to Touchable 3? I know you don’t support T3 anymore, it’s just a question about continue to use the app that I like vey much, the design…

Thanks in advance.


unfortunately it is not possible to port them to touchAblePro. touchAble pro has been written in another language, therefore we cannot use code from the old touchAble version.

i will have a look into it next week, maybe we can restore it at least partly.



I hope so, It’ll be great, Pascal! Absolutely fantastic. Please, make possible this “magic”!


could you maybe upload or send a touchAble3 template to test? We are currently working on the tA3 template import, and we would like to test a wide range of tA3 templates.

We can already promise to that you can properly reconstruct controls and views.



Hello, Pascal!
How ca I do that? Where is this “template” file from T3? (Mac OS Catalina, 10.15.7)


Connect your iOS device to your mac via USB, open a Finder. In “Locations” your iOS device should be listed. Now all your Apps listed under “Files”. Unfold “touchAble”. Now you can copy the containing folder by dragging them anywhere. The “Templates” folder contains all Editor templates.



OK… It’s best to send by email, or uploading here? there’s no confidential data from my Mac inside this folder? I send here the compressed file. (zip). I’ll be possible to alternate templates, T3 and Pro, on the surface of TouchAble IOS and Android? It’ll be great! TouchAble 3 - templates folder - Mac OS Catalina, (2.0 KB)


the template you send was unfortunately the default empty one? Any chance you a fulle elaborated one?

You can also send it to my directly, or drop the link via pm. pascal aet zerodebug . com.



Greetings, Pascal!

I only have this one, really. I still don’t know how to create templates, I’m learning to use the App in the production of some authorial songs. Doesn’t the standard template help to “index” or “adapt” templates to create the possibility to switch layouts in new updates of ToucAhble? I imagine you have already received templates already created by other users, right? I hope it all right!!!