Does touchable pro work with Live 12?
And are there any better alternatives?
I did see also that touchable pro is not in the AppStore available anymore?
Why is it?
Thanks for your reply
Does touchable pro work with Live 12?
And are there any better alternatives?
I did see also that touchable pro is not in the AppStore available anymore?
Why is it?
Thanks for your reply
I’m using live 12 and touchable since two months, and so far I haven’t encountered any problem, noting a greater stability on a MacBook Pro M2 with iPad 12.9 Pro running Touchable, as controller.
Nice that it seems to work
I had touchable before pro
But now I can’t find any download of the pro Version in the App Store?
Why is that?
Greetings and thanks for your answer
U can still use it with 12 but it has not been updated since 11.
A few devices still have the 11 skin.
It looks like Touchable has disappeared from the store. This could be the confirmation of some rumors, whispering that ZeroDebug was acquired by Ableton, for the purpose of eliminating a fearsome competitor, in Push prospective.
Zerodebug is still thriving as an independent developer company!
We had some glitches with the app-store for a short time, but now all our apps are downloadable again.
thats fantastic news - on the windows store as well?
That’s nice to know Peter. Any info on future development of Touchable Pro? The last version dates from Nov 26, 2021 and an Apple Silicon server would also be much appreciated. I do rely on this application for live performance and the radio silence does not inspire confidence it will keep working.
touchAble is very much alive and we are working -well, a little bit „behind the curtain“ - to transport touchAble to our completely rebuilt framework. Look forward to our new servers, as reliability as well as latency will immensely be improved.
The long delay is due to the fact that we are just two developers here, and there were some „bread and butter“-projects that we had to prioritize - but in a few month‘s time we hope to bring all our classic apps (touchAble, studiomikro, soda) up to date!
Hi Peter,
that’s an incredible good news!
My live project is all based on touchable Pro, driving Ableton and Resolume, and I can’t imagine transposing this f…g big session to an another app!
So thank you so much!!
Wow thats very great to hear. Thanks for keeping this alive. It’s an amazing piece of sofware
Wooohooo. this makes me extremly happy. i did not expect you are still working on the best app for the ipad. actually touchable is the reason why i bought a ipad and a 27 inch touchsreen for the studio
also i would not mind to pay some mony for a update of studio mux and touchable
This is the best news I’ve heard in a long time, so good
Hello, and sorry, peter you write its downloadable again, but i dint find…if i try it on the homepage, there is a dead link…
I too can’t find it in the windows store.
Please tell me this is true! I almost can’t believe this! I was really desperate, because TouchAble Pro was a center piece of my live rig, next to a push 2, a KMI SoftStep 2 and my electric Violin!
I am staying tuned and will visit this space on a daily basis, hoping to see either some new betas or even a finished, modern version of iPad-app and server! <3
Or is this old news and I fell for it? I hope not…
Keep it up, devs! We love you and rely on your product!
Thanks for your good work, I enjoy it very much!
Looking forward for your updates.
Thumbs up!
Best pice of software in years!
Would be grand to get more tangible bits on this some time over the next weeks/months (no offence, and I am very glad you are back) as we are yet to see more info, or even actual signs of life, i.e. updates/releases…
Lost all hope personally.
Why? This doesn’t make sense. Before we got the massage that touchable and co are still in development I was also very pessimistic. And I wish we would get more updates on the progress. But I am ok with waiting as long as it is actually still in work. So please give us some details how is the progress going on? Is there a chance for maybe touchable pro mk2 (would be actually version 5 correct?) in 2025?