Phone not detected

Just tried all that after resinstalling server, restarting machine and plugging out / in phone.
Same problem.
The server just doesn’t detect the phone. When I right click on the server icon , available usb devices is always 0.


Please try to completely delete the studiomux App from your iOS device and reinstall it. On reinstall you will be asked to allow studiomux to communicate over network, please grant those permissions. After reinstall please try to reattach your device.

I also just tested the usb connection on windows with different versions of itunes, it worked well with the latest iTunes, downloaded from Apple and from the Microsoft store. In case you haven’t downloaded iTunes from one of those sources, please update iTunes.



Hi stephenhiggins,
excuse me, if I am wrong, but when reading this, it seems to me, that you are trying to use the old appstore version of studiomux. Did you install beta via TestFlight?

No, how do I do that? is testflight an app?

Join the studiomux beta

Available on iOS
Install this on your iDevice…

Also, read this thread on the forum for more info;

Yes, exactly as iso wrote.
Once you have installed testflight, you will see the invitation for installing studiomux beta.
And before you do that, it is a very good advise, as Pascal wrote, to delete your current studiomux app from your iOS device. I did that too, and it solved some problems I had before.
Good luck!

Thanks for the replies.
I have uninstalled studiomux app and downloaded testflight.
I can’t tell from the posts if I should just reinstall studiomux app again?
Or try Join the Beta.
The problem when I click on the join the beta link is:
“To join the studiomux beta, tap the link on your iPhone or iPad after you install TestFlight.”

  • I don’t see any link on my iphone for this? Is it supposed to appear somewhere?

Installing a Beta iOS App via Email or Public Link Invitation

  1. Install TestFlight on the iOS device that you’ll use for testing.
  2. Open your invitation email or tap on the public link on your iOS device.
  3. Tap View in TestFlight or Start Testing; or tap Install or Update for the app you want to test.

Join the studiomux beta

You have to join the beta – which is just a matter of tapping a link and then tapping another button after TestFlight launches when you tap the link to the open beta

  1. Open your invitation email or tap on the public link on your iOS device.
  • I never got an invitation email, or don’t see any public link on my iOS device?
    When I open testflight, it just says - No Apps available to test.
    There is no link or anything that I can tap on?

Join the studiomux beta

This is the public link. You have to open it on the device you have Test Flight installed on. WiFi or moblie data will need to be turned on. There isn’t an email invite for this, becuase it’s open to anyone who wants to use it. The link above is the invite.
I will test the link myself in a bit to make sure it’s still working…

A little popup came up on itunes when I plugged the phone in. I opened testflight, but nothing.
The popup doesn’t appear any more when I open itunes with phone plugged in.
Wifi is turned on of course.
I try clicking on the join link above, nothing happens.
Maybe if anyone had a screenshot to show me where this link is supposed to be appearing on my phone.

Studiomux 5 is very close to being released, so perhaps Pascal turned the Beta off? I will test it myself in a bit. Did you grant Test Flight the permissions it needs when you intalled it? You could try uninstalling & reinstalling Test Flight app. Perhaps it didn’t install correctly. Maybe shutting your phone down & re-booting might help…I’m a bit stumped to be honest!!!

Yeah tried reinstalling it, and allowed the permissions. Still nothing. I will try rebooting phone later.
How close is studiomux 5. is it a matter of days do you think?

Hi i just uninstalled it from my iPad & tried to re-install via the link, & you’re right, it 's not working. I also no longer have Studiomux Beta on my device!
Studiomux 5 was supposed to have been released last week, so …who knows. It’s been dragging on since last November, so I’m not holding my breath…cheers…

Just tried again & it worked…the link came up in Test Flight after about a second…after the second attempt…

will upload a screen save to show it working…

I had to go back & tap the link a second time for it to work…hope this helps…New app should be here soon anyway, cheers…

I actually planned to release studiomux on the 1st of August. Unfortunately there are still a few tasks i could not yet finalize. The main reason that kept me from releasing the new version is the fact, that the old studiomux app/server still works on devices running iOS < 14 and Mac’s running OSX < Catalina. A release would force all users (in case automatic app updates are active) to switch to the new app version, that is a) not yet ready and b) was more or less rewritten from scratch (new GUI/ plugin handling/ audio channel handling). Former users will have to get used to the new app.

On the other hand studiomux does not run on iOS>14/OSX>10.15:
New users will download an app, that does not work. When updating iOS or OSX studiomux will stop working.

Therefore i will try to build and upload the new app, limited to run on devices with iOS 14 and above, to make sure that the hotfix update will only affect devices that are not compatible to the old studiomux app anyway.

