Hi there.
My touchable Pro setup/Configuration worked very stable on my last server and app update I did on 02 Dec 2020. I will provide as much information here as possible.
My problem, I updated my Touchable Pro to the latest version on my old Ipad 3 which worked great.
Now it’s totally useless and unable to keep a connection for longer than 10 seconds then crash and then the app can not even open up after that, just crashes, even after exiting Ableton and server, and reconnecting all in correct sequence. I also tried with combination of latest ipad version of app and servers going back to touchAblePro_1.567_x64 that I also downloaded on the same day as touchAble_428_x64.
Same thing. unusable,
My touchable pro app logo was still black and white before it changed to the new red logo.if that helps.
The python 428 script looked like this:
Now luckily I still have the Touchable Pro app on my iphone 4s I installed on the same day as the app
version I had working stable on my Ipad, and I have just tested this on my iphone and this is the version of the app that worked stable on my Ipad since before my Ipad updated. It’s working flawless on my iphone 4s now. So I need to somehow get back to this version of the app for my Ipad.
So I am not sure if the Ipad app version was the same as this iphone app version at the time, but it was all installed on the same day 02 December 2020, and worked great, before it broke with latest updates.
Can anyone please advise how to get back to this previous working version of the Ipad app.
I will be forever greatfull as I am close to tears. 2 days of trying everything.
iOS app v. 1.0.429 (seen in Connection status of iphone 4s)
WIN server ver 428 (touchAble_428_x64)
iPhone4S, iOS 9.3.6
iPad 3, iOS 9.3.2
Intel Desktop with Windows 7 all latest updates before end of life