Servers red: Keeps trying to re-connect

Hi guys,

Just a couple of things regarding Touchable Pro latest server apps.

For a couple of months now i’ve been having some problems with Touchable Pro not connecting not just wirelessly.
The Touchable App sees the network but it stays red, than it goes in a loop trying to reconnect until eventually after a couple of minutes it either connects or don’t.

During this process I can see that the symbol of network changes to green but as soon as it begins to reconnect it goes red again. Does this for quite sometime

If connected sometimes it will lose connection, and if so, the only way to connect again is by restarting the server. Even over usb sometimes it wont connect.

I’ve checked firewall settings and all seems ok. Boujour is running, rtp midi sees my ipad and can connect also iTunes version correct.

Trying the newly v.1643 on live 10, (don’t know if it’s suppose to work exclusive with 11)


sorry for the inconvenience. Could you please enable Log Mode via severs context menu and upload the Log file:

on Win you will find it inside the servers install folder, on mac here:

Some other users, also reported of similiar disconnecting issues, but we could not properly fix the issue up to today.

It seems like it is some kind of message send by the Script to the Server, that causes the connection to drop.



How can I upload the file? I only see an option to upload an image file.

Is this script version suppose to work ONLY with Live 11?

I’m getting other strange behaviours with this script version on Live 10…

For example trying to map sends to knobs or x/y/z on the custom module isn’t working anymore.

I don’t know what’s going on guys but this is not getting better with the latest updates.

Touchable Pro has seen better stabiltiy in previous versions and there are bugs which I’ve previously address a quite long time ago which still exist. I don’t know how I can help you guys anymore really…

Been here since day 1 and honestly I can’t be wasting more time trying to trace stuff and not seeing this solved once and for all.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m gratefull for your work and I believe your doing your best specially on a time like this but even this forum is getting way to confused. Updates all around, crucial information regarding tools or advices necessary for getting this to work also spread into different posts.

From a UX point of view this needs to be more well organized otherwise people will eventually start to lose hopes on touchable. and this comes from someone who has been here since day 1 as you guys know. Really guys we need clear information regarding how touchable is right now, and how the future updates will adress this, like is this script intended to work in both Ableton 10 and 11 versions. If people want to stay in Live 10 will the app work as it is supposed? Answers guys… please.

+1 on clarity & reliability of communication. I/We appreciate that the sitution Ableton has put you in isn’t ideal - but, clear & transparent communication does go a very long way, the more so for those old time users who rely on touchable to work with older versions still (doesn’t apply to me, but can imagine the pain/frustration)


Yeah, I must admit I don’t get as much use out of either this or Ableton in general as I’d like to (seem to be getting motivated just now which is good). Don’t recall having many issues with TouchAble 3 previously, upgraded to Pro several months ago but haven’t really used it much until yesterday.

I use a 2011 iMac mostly for music (as well as external display for my laptop), on macos 10.12 & Live 10.

I tend to leave Ableton running, and often just wake up the machine enough that I can play piano on an always-armed instance of Pianoteq, but I have an iPad on the music stand so that I can look at sheet music / use TouchAble to do Ableton stuff when I’m in that mode.

For me it seems that restarting Ableton is fairly reliably getting the connection working again. So not at all the end of the world, and actually on reflection that might help to encourage me to actually do a bit more of the other bits of music-making I’ve tended to neglect. However, I don’t think it’s just when waking from sleep - pretty sure it randomly lost connection in the middle of a session yesterday when I’d really prefer to just stay in the mode of recording / playing / tweaking a few things with the iPad, and like not to have to move in front of the computer at all, let alone for troubleshooting tech issues. Ho hum.

Looking at my log, I see (clipped at an arbitrary point before errors)

<<<.... lots of general activity while things were working ....>>>
2021-03-04 18:26:39 [1414025796] INFO Argument 1: STRING  8
2021-03-04 18:26:39 [1414025796] INFO OSC MESSAGE WITH PATTERN BEGAN::  /script/load/end
2021-03-04 18:26:39 [1414025796] INFO OSC MESSAGE WITH PATTERN BEGAN::  /scene
2021-03-04 18:26:39 [1414025796] INFO Argument 1: STRING  1
2021-03-04 18:27:31 [1414025796] INFO OSC MESSAGE WITH PATTERN BEGAN::  /track/current_monitoring_state
2021-03-04 18:28:43 [1414025796] DEBUG wait for received failed to select with to socket 26 wit error (null)
2021-03-04 18:28:43 [1414025796] DEBUG Successfully connected to script TCP port on port 9009

2021-03-04 18:28:45 [1414025796] DEBUG wait for received failed to select with to socket 26 wit error (null)
2021-03-04 18:29:11 [1414025796] DEBUG failed to connect to port 9009 wit error Operation timed out
2021-03-04 18:29:38 [1414025796] DEBUG failed to connect to port 9009 wit error Operation timed out
2021-03-04 18:30:04 [1414025796] DEBUG failed to connect to port 9009 wit error Operation timed out
2021-03-04 18:30:30 [1414025796] DEBUG failed to connect to port 9009 wit error Operation timed out
2021-03-04 18:30:30 [1414025796] DEBUG failed to connect to port 9010 wit error Connection refused
2021-03-04 18:30:30 [1414025796] DEBUG failed to connect to port 9010 wit error Connection refused
<<<lots of oscillation between connection refused / operation timed out on various different ports>>>

Actually, as I look at it now (10:00), the last message in the log is an “Operation timed out” at 9:40, even though I have since then restarted Ableton and it is now connected and I’ve done a few interactions.

Anyway, I’d like the experience of this to be a bit more Zerodebug :slight_smile:
When I feel like debugging, I’ve got my own software for that…

Still, my pain is certainly much less than anyone who actually can’t get it to connect at all.

I just had a horrible thought of what it would be like to try to gig with this system… think I’d rather take my chances with my own software in that situation… :scream_cat:

Anyway, hopefully it’s fixable.


I could at least once reproduce the discronnect/reconnect issue, and have fixed it. I hope it will work for you, too.

