Studiomux is not working with Iphone 7 - IOS14.2.
But it works in my old Ipad 4. I’ve already made all updates.
Can you help me?
Hard restarting helps temporarily.
sorry for the all the iOS 14 related problems, we started working on a big update for studiomux a couple of month ago, which is working fine on iOS14, unfortunately we cannot hotfix the old version and inlcude the changes that had to be made to get it working on iOS14. We hope to update at least a steady beta in near future.
Well, thanks for the information update but iOS 14 is only half the problem; we can’t even use Studiomux server reliably on macOS 10.15.x (let alone Big Sur…). Former users can only hope that there will be an update in the near future. Studiomux (which was critical to my workflow) has been a hot mess on all my devices one way or another for OVER ONE YEAR now so much so that I had to revert to using an iConnectivity device. I, for one, really hope we might see an updated Studiomux sooner than later. It’s such a great tool – when it actually works…
Hi, I was thinking about AUV3 on studiomux, and is that even when I like to play the IAA format, some apps doesn’t have an IAA (sugar bytes and actually they don’t have plans to make them in all their apps), and the auv3 that studiomux supports is so tiny, and perform on it its kind of strange because you have almost the studiomux display complete.
There’s a way, using audiobus but most of the times, in my case I don’t need audiobus to play and perform.
So thats it, it would be great that feature, cheers…