Thanks for the great work Zerodebug Team.
Just building a custom template and noticing that I can’t get the button object to behave like a toggle, momentary works but not toggle. It seems to toggle until it assigned to a MIDI note or CC; the momentary box does become checked after assigning the button but even when that is turned off it still doesn’t toggle. Even tested re-loading the template but behaviour is still the same.
Also when I re-open a template any buttons placed inside a container/grid don’t retain their font size and shrink to their smallest size even though it was saved at size 10.
Finally is a feature request for opacity (like the slider below the colour triangle) to be added to the colour palette, in touchAble 3 I would overlay different objects for visual feedback, labels & colouring.
Setup: Macbook Pro 16" OS 10.15.6, iPad Pro 12.9" iOS 13.5.1. touchAble Pro 1.568, Server 1.567.