Hi, i used the same workaround!!! it seems to be typical 4 those zerodebug guys to let there customers figure out how to work with this app! one of the most expensive music apps (bought it on all platforms bcause some of the features are exclusive in that app (unfortunaly they know that)
the funny name of this company is not longer funny for me …
this forum is full of frustratet users - cheaper for them to let the community solve there problems instead of giving proffessionell support (or just reading our posts - i asked here for the tons of missing donloads in beta area! month ago … NOTHING HAPPENS!!!)
“worked around” again!!! Had to flash instable and experimentel android versions to my older devices because the “DOWNLOAD AREA” is a bad joke!!!
i am really disappointed!!!
for a “normal user” without deeper computer knowledge this app is simply unusable…
could be nice - even with all the bugs if they would not leave there customers alone with them!
puuuh that was needed to let out 
but feel better now 
greatz to all victims here