Touchable on Android tablet no connection with MacBook Pro


I’ve installed the scripts on the MacBook Pro M1 and TouchAble on the Samsung Android tablet. All is set as shown on the site. The tablet is plugged in the Mac by a USB dock. I can access the tablet files on the Mac, so the data is available. But, nothing appears in the connection status on the tablet, and the script on the Mac doesn’t show any control surface.
What is the matter please? Thank you!

Touchable Pro Android last release, v. 1.676
Script Mac 1673

Hello AKB!
I’ve never tried Touchable on Android devices, but I do remember a screen pops up whenever you plug an android device to a laptop, and some of them let you choose between several USB modes, one of them lets you transfer files to and from the tablet but I would bet you need to use the MIDI mode or some other.
Have you tried the wireless mode?
It’s worth trying, be sure to have the M1 Mac and the android tablet connected to your home wifi network or hook up a spare wifi router and connect both devices to it, avoid creating a wifi network on your Macbook and trying to connect your android device to it, android doesnt like ad-hoc wifi networks created by mac devices.

Let me know how it goes!


Hi Jowday!

It works fine with the wifi connection, but for exterior use I need the usb connection. The tablet is set on MiDi USB, the Mac sees it in MiDi settings, but touchable server dosent! Can you help me please?

Thank you.


unfortunately it is not yet possible to connect the current android version via USB. Yesterday we finalised the first alpha that can be connected via USB on Mac (with adb port forwarding). I will test the same on windows today. We hope to release a first server version for win/mac and android app on friday.



ThanX… Can I have a link for the beta server for Mac please?


the new server for mac will download, install and start the required ADB tools (install via context menu, see screenshot below). Please start the server bevor starting the App, and make sure to activate USB debugging on Anrdoid.

Settings > System > Developer Options > USB debugging

latest server:

latest app:

Hi !

Well… thank you for your help! But still not Working by usb… i’ve followed your advices… my android version is 6… can the problem be from that ?


sorry currently the latest touchAble version needs Android 7. I will try to build a version that is compatible with older devices within the next update.
