I tried to install Tochable Pro on my Android 13-Tablet.
It was not possible. Notification: This App was made for an older
It would be so great, if there would be a possibility.
Thank you!
I tried to install Tochable Pro on my Android 13-Tablet.
It was not possible. Notification: This App was made for an older
It would be so great, if there would be a possibility.
Thank you!
have you tried with “restore purchases”? In the worst case scenario, you will need a tablet that supports this version, or switch to iOS by purchasing a new iPad, (but even an older one), and Touchable support will be perfectly guaranteed.
How there is no word about further development of touchable or of any of there apps. And this for a long time and now with live 12 we would need an updated version a lot. It’s such a pity because touch able is genius and I love it. I even focused my setup around a big touchscreen.
Peter replied in the Touchable Pro section in the Live 12 thread that development moves forward and there will soon be updated versions for all Zerodebugs current apps. Hope that will be soon. Touchable Pro is among the best Live sw controllers. Deserves a place in the spotlight, instead of lurking in the shadows as of now. To many of us belives it’s abandoned. Me included. So sad… Cheers
I’v tried getting the Android version to run on my new (12th gen Intel i9) win 11 machine. Connected via a usb to ethernet dongel. No success. I remember it was a pain already get it to run smoothly over usb on my old i5 laptop win 7. In the end it performed nice. It was shakey, and sometimes just disconnected and I had to restart everything, all the way from the ADB service, Touchable server, Live, sometimes a reboot of win7. And since all of my iOs iDevices connects via ethernet with 1-2ms latency and seldom gives up like the Android version.
(as I write this and Touchable is connected via usb to the i9, it loose connection to server. The server menu still says it has an usb connection going, but not active and TP doesn’t update display to show activ set in Live 12.) That sometimes happen when all is idle, but not in sleep mode or anything. ( Now a second time during 5 min). If I just leave it like that Iphone TP often reconnects automatically. Now I had to quit TP and restart, and all is fine to go. So it definitely isn’t ready for stage shows yet. Not reliable. Cheers