Touchable Pro CRASHING on template editor

Hello, Zerodebug team,

I have some big issues with device template editor. I am trying to make my own device templates for favourite AU or VST plugins, but bad tihngs happens. When i try open “edit” function on selected plugin, Touchable just shuts down. I was trying to restart my iPad, macbook, but same problem occurs. I am using latest versions of Touchable, Touchable server, using iPad air, Macbook Air 2017 (OS MOJAVE) and Ableton live 10.1.4.

Thanks in advance!

Deafman, it’s so tricky What you try to do. Because, when you save an AU or VST preset on ableton, they’ll be saved with the “default configuration” and not with your preset configuration. So, everytime you open it, they’ll be launched this way and your template will be useless…

In my case, I use to play the plug-ins or devices with the “devices” module, they work really good.

Maybe whta you can do, is to create little templates with 8 CC knobs or sliders (aprox) to play just the plug-ins, I mean, don’t do them bigers!
