Touchable Pro - Track Delay


I’m looking for the track delay option in touchable pro. I’m using it in tour and when i’m begin tuning my system, I need to align the foh with the speaker back of the stage. is anyone knows where the delay track option is??

thanx in advance!


Hi, it looks like there is no way to control Live track delay from Touchable. I’ve tried to build various controllers with Touchable edit module, but the destination parameter (track delay) does’t respond to any midi external control, and in effect, it is not mapped native. I would have expected to find it in the track edit page but the guys at ZD,at the time,felt that it was not so important in average daily use.

Thank you for your response.
If someone at Zerobug reads this post and finally decides that the track delay option is important to develop soon for live performance professionals using the app, please feel free to reply!
…as well as to develop this option…Thanks in advance!

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Zerobug or Zerodebug!
sorry for the mistake…