Ableton Live 11 Beta & TouchAble as a Control Surface Selection is Missing

The last ableton beta only acepts phyton 3 scripts and doesn’t works the 2 version. You need to reinstall live beta version 21 and block live to autoupdate on firewall

That sounds like a very hands-on approach :smiley: . Especially when the team is already working on making it function with Python 3.

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Is there any update on this topic? I’d really love to be using touchAble with 11.

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I have Live 11 beta and would live to test it out when you have a working copy

Same - but, Ableton has only introduced the python version switch on the very last Live beta version without any communication or warning. I made a thread about this on the beta forum that a) this is sloppy, and b)
if python3 is now set in stone with no backwards compatibility this needs to be clearlt communicated and c) if/how devs can get fast tracked beta access and/or answers.

So as much as I’d want TouchAble to work in Live11, as it is a great update with lots of long wanted features, I’d also do expect better communication from Abletonians for users and 3rd party devs like touchable on something far reaching as this.

So, fingers crossed we do get an update here for touchable, but I’d also understand if there’s other things taking priority for touchable/mux/etc.

ps. this is my opinion and would also be nice to get a clear statement from the TouchAble team as to their plans for Live11

You need to Downgrade to beta .21 and block Ableton auto updates on the firewall and it works.

There was an official answer by one of the Abletonians:
'Live 11 will only support Python 3.

Remote scripts developed by third parties have never been an officially supported feature in Live; these have to be fully maintained and updated by the third parties. Also the Python API has never been officially supported for these cases.

However, we’ve been in touch a while ago already with a number of these third parties to inform them about our planned change to Python 3, so they could start working on upgrading their scripts.’

As for downgrading - yes, that would be possible for the sake of making touchable run (thanks for the tip), but also locks you in on that version, not being able to actually beta test the Live 11 release stream… and 023b is coming out today with new fixes & features…

also happy to test and support
(running ableton 11 beta, big sur, macbook pro 2018)

With the new Live 11.0b23, touchable control surface is still missing in selection.

Sorry, that I can’t provide more help on that topic, besides that note,


unfortunately i still haven’t tested with Live11 my requests for alpha or beta access haven’t been answered yet. Testing without Live11 seems senseless for now…

Could you maybe upload the part of the Live log file that describes the script compilation error:

\Users[username]\AppData\Roaming\Ableton\Live x.x.x\Preferences\Log.txt
/Users/[username]/Library/Preferences/Ableton/Live x.x.x/Log.txt



Hey @Pascal,
here you are:

2021-01-12T12:38:34.646861: info: RemoteScriptError: Traceback (most recent call last):

2021-01-12T12:38:34.646893: info: RemoteScriptError:   File "<string>", line 1, in <module>

2021-01-12T12:38:34.646961: info: RemoteScriptError:   File "/Applications/Ableton Live 11 Remote Scripts/touchAble/", line 33, in <module>

2021-01-12T12:38:34.647097: info: RemoteScriptError:     
2021-01-12T12:38:34.647119: info: RemoteScriptError: from touchAble import touchAble
2021-01-12T12:38:34.647132: info: RemoteScriptError: 

2021-01-12T12:38:34.647147: info: RemoteScriptError:   File "/Applications/Ableton Live 11 Remote Scripts/touchAble/", line 24, in <module>

Thanks found another possible issue…

maybe this one works better.

Did you register through this ?:
After requesting access through there I had access within half a day for Live11, and for older versions it used to be a few days only as well I think.
Fingers crossed you can get on there - also, I could check with one of the abletonians, if wanted and you went through the above channel already ?

stupid one:
downloaded the package… how to install the script for testing it?


download and unzip the dropbofile and move the folder to Lives MidiRemoteScripts folder:

// Mac
/Applications/Ableton Live X Remote Scripts/touchAble

// Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
\ProgramData\Ableton\Live x.x\Resources\MIDI Remote Scripts\



Hello Pascal,
sure… thanks!

I exchanged it with the original folder, but Live 11 still doesn’t show the scrip in the menu.
Can send you the Log again, if helpful.

Best, Tobias

If you go for he can make it happen.
He gave me beta access for press.

best stephan

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Thanks you very much. I sent him a mail, asking for beta access.

Re, this:

Unfortunately, yet the same errors as before:


2021-01-20T17:20:06.454421: info: RemoteScriptError: Traceback (most recent call last):

2021-01-20T17:20:06.454476: info: RemoteScriptError: File “”, line 1, in

2021-01-20T17:20:06.454632: info: RemoteScriptError: File “*\ableton_11_beta\Resources\MIDI Remote Scripts\”, line 33, in

2021-01-20T17:20:06.454819: info: RemoteScriptError:
2021-01-20T17:20:06.454862: info: RemoteScriptError: from touchAble import touchAble
2021-01-20T17:20:06.454898: info: RemoteScriptError:

2021-01-20T17:20:06.454938: info: RemoteScriptError: File “*\ableton_11_beta\Resources\MIDI Remote Scripts\touchAble\”, line 24, in

2021-01-20T17:20:06.455072: info: RemoteScriptError:
2021-01-20T17:20:06.455113: info: RemoteScriptError: import Utils.RemixNet as RemixNet
2021-01-20T17:20:06.455149: info: RemoteScriptError:

2021-01-20T17:20:06.455185: info: RemoteScriptError: ModuleNotFoundError
2021-01-20T17:20:06.455220: info: RemoteScriptError: :
2021-01-20T17:20:06.455254: info: RemoteScriptError: No module named ‘Utils’
2021-01-20T17:20:06.455290: info: RemoteScriptError:

2021-01-20T17:20:08.550722: info: Performance: Startup hook ‘EnableMidiRemoteScriptManager’: Running time: 2138 ms [/code]



i still got no response from Ableton. Tried it via the email @StephanBobinger sent, created an User Beta account and applied for and asked for alpha developer access. I guess we just have to wait…

I will upload new scripts from time to time, when i found parts, that may confict with Python3.

