Did a quick test in Live11 beta 023b, and with the settings outline here from 2018 for Windows:
And the Good:
Touchable is an option in the preferences again, so the pre-compiled .pyc files work
connection to Live 11 also works.
The bad points:
it’s so slow it’s unusable (i.e. fader movement Live -> Touchable is OK, the other way, Touchable -> Live is stuttering with +500ms to 2000ms delays on all recipients; and disconnecting regularly [i.e. fader / device knob/slider motion in Touchable stutters [had the move occur up to 2 seconds later], or Touchable motion does not arrive in Live at all [occasionally the Touchable controller/slider does jump back after 1-2 seconds, to the position the controller has in Live… but sometimes also not…]… it’s utterly erratic, and if it works, with an unaccaptable delay]
FIrst impression. If there’s known ways to fix & test this further sing out.
ps. rtpMidi reports a wifi/midi delay or around 4-10ms only.