Connection problem Touchable Pro

Hi.Again I can’t connect my iPad 6 to Live 10.1.18 running on a Macbook pro 15 OS 10.14.6
Wifi or USB the iPad although the icon is blue keep on “Please update App”. Well I do have the last App and server version, I double checked.Well this is really bad, I’m tired of those recurring problems with Touchable for years…


sorry for the inconvenience. We removed the update warning, it will now only occur, in case a script/server or app update is mandatory. We have just released an App update.



Well, I updated the App but still can’t connect with Live.“Please update App” is still there.I tried to reinstall server and scripts bur nothing changed…

So…still no news about this.If I understand well some users don’t have this problem so there must be something to do on my side but what? Thanks

Have you tried to remove the app and put it back ?

Well I didn’t try, forgot to do it, and yes doing it make it work again.Thanks, hope it will keep stable for a while on the connection.Thank you!

I’ve got the same problem here.

Mac OS 10 Catalina + last iOS and touchable app and server… MacBook Pro 16’ + iPad Air 2

I got The warning for a server update.

The connection isn’t very good… Sometime, it’s gone…

Ca you updated the soft please



sorry for the inconvenience. Please neglect the warning for now, it should not affect the functionality, we will remove the version mismatch warning within the next update. the warning will only be displayed when an update is mandatory.



sorry for the inconvenience and the connection trouble. Removing the App and reinstalling it, seems to fix the connection issue in most cases… Unfortunately we yet still have no idea why. I added this “fix” to our homepage’s faqs and to the manual.

But still it feels very uncomfortable not knowing whats going.

Thanks for your patience.




Ok. Thanks
