Feature Requests

  • XYZ controller of the Edit Mode as complete as the XYZ mode, with gravity, bounce, record etc.

    • Done
  • Create horizontal fader in Edit Mode (or allow for fader to be turned around at will)

    • Done
  • Create integrated LFOs assignable to controls in the Edit Mode. That way you can bring movement to the controls in Edit mode without adding an LFO in Ableton, which needs M4L and is laggy as hell and drains a lot of CPU

    • On Our List, but since it’s a bigger one, it will still take some time.
  • Improve Edit Mode Button Colors, they are very dull. Also allow for naming of the buttons on the same button, without having to add a text over them, which takes time and is very fidgety

    • On our list, we will rework all controls.
  • Resize the Edit mode page when the screen is split. Right now when Screen is split you can only see the upper half of the Edit Mode screen. At least be able to scroll down.

    • On our List
  • A freeze function for the clip module of the edit mode. Where you decide the tracks you want shown, and no matter your movement in other clip modules, that one will stay fixed. So you never have to scroll back if you have to launch a clip in that specific track. This would be gold. Same with Mixer Module.

    • You can unlink the Clips Module from the global offset, or use clips from the Utility Controls
  • Be able to Costumize controls in the Mixer tab. So one can select what appears in accordance to their own workflow in a vertical manner. For example, I would like to see volume, arm and monitor in 1 window, instead of having to click three different windows, or adding Multicontrol which adds the controls horizontally. That way can decide in 1 column what I want for each track. Using Multicontrol make life hell as the tracks are split horizontally, the buttons become to small and unusable. Also, why would I want all controls eating up space If i only want a select few.

    • Done?
  • See the sends as rotaries in Mixer Module, all in one place, just like in Ableton. It would just make much more sense.

    • Done?
  • In Edit mode, be able to apply Snap to the controls would be heaven!

    • Done
  • More than 1 undo in Edit Mode.

    • 20 steps are auto saved by defaut
  • Background color selection to XYZ pad in Edit Mode

    • On our List and will be done, when we rework the Editor Controls
  • Integrate Live 11 into Touchable, so we can take advantage of the new midi probability function!

    • partially done
  • I couldn’t find a way to assign samples to Sampler/Simpler and DrumRack. This would be super useful, please tell me if there is already this feature in the app.

    • Unfortunately this is not yet part of Live’s API.
  • i would love for the editors page “buttons” to be able to be mapped to QWERTY keyboard keystrokes and/or ableton transport controls. i want to use an old iphone as a simple remote for record/play/arm tracks, and the tranport buttons in the top menu bar are way too small for this use case.

    • We started including OSC in the Editor Module, so one can create their own functions in the Control Surface.
  • Hello! In the next uPdate of the App, you could adjust the items on the screen, making it cleaner. The design of Touchable 3 is fantastic, especially since all of your Apps work even on iOS 9.3.5, this is really

    • partially done, the bold icons are a step in this direction.
  • SUGGESTION: For the iPhone, it could be develop yet another simple, inexpensive project, with basic commands like REC, STOP, FORW, BACKW, etc., even because there are people with vision problems (it is my case, I have myopia, and have difficulty seeing small items)

    • We will include this functionality in the Editor -> Utilities. So one can assigne global controls to a button.
  • Ableton Link is not activating. The devices even link to each other when we set the “Ableton link” in the App, but in Ableton itself the “link” icon is always BLUE, not the yellow pattern. When I remember another suggestion, I come back ahahaha. Thanks!

    • Done
  • Feature request for 2021 - reliable support & communication on here…!

    • hope we could achieve that, at least in the last months.
  • it would be great if you could get back to posting a changelog of the server and script updates as you have done for a while in the server update threads in this forum. thanks!

    • We always list all changes in the changelog. Unfortunaly our servers webpage process was broken. The automated process is still not working, but we can at least upload page updates manually now.
  • It would be fantastic if touchable was capable of showing the ‘glowing’ green triangles of the next upcoming scene, as well as what scene is currently playing - right now with follow actions enabled in live 11, touchable does not light the currently playing scene’s play button green, nor does it flash the next scene’s button.

    • partially Done
  • It would also be awesome (though I’m not sure it’s possible) to show how much time is left on a scene before the next follow action is carried out - similar to how touchable shows the ‘sliding color bar’ when a clip is playing to show its position.

    • We have to check the API, if it is possible to fetch the remaining play time. The sliding color bar is already implemented in “Color Mode”
  • Could be it possible to add controls over the warp settings on the clip editor every time each warp mode is selected?

    • touchable already has a huge amount of listener, most of listener are clip related. we tried to only attach listeners, that are crucial, since they eat up resources, escpeially when having big sets. We will see what we can do.
  • I would like to know if there is a plan to support BLE as a third method of connection (after WiFi and USB)?

    • It’s on our list, we will have a look into it and depending of the amount of work, we will include it sooner or later, since it is a feature not asked by many.
  • I would love to see mpe support in the ‘keys’ section. Since ableton supports MPE.
    So roundrobin per channel so every note and 2 controllers are tight to a midi channel.
    1 controller for the x and one for the 1 axes.

    • I working on it for our App studiomux. Once it’s working in studiomux, i will port it to touchAble.
  • displaying midi recording length

    • The text was quite to long to add it to the list :). this requires a bit more time, but it is on our list

it’d be great to be able to arm multiple channels within touchAble Pro.
touchAble Pro does display correctly if multiple channels are armed in Ableton.

  1. midi feedback!!!
    that’s it really.

Im using touchable for a few months now, building up my Live set. I have a big one with many tracks with a lot of routing going on. Just to be able to make music on the fly in gigs. Touchable has made this possible, specially the Edit Mode. Here are my two cents, If I think of something else I will write it down later :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

  • XYZ controller of the Edit Mode as complete as the XYZ mode, with gravity, bounce, record etc.

  • Create horizontal fader in Edit Mode (or allow for fader to be turned around at will)

-Create integrated LFOs assignable to controls in the Edit Mode. That way you can bring movement to the controls in Edit mode without adding an LFO in Ableton, which needs M4L and is laggy as hell and drains a lot of CPU

-Improve Edit Mode Button Colors, they are very dull. Also allow for naming of the buttons on the same button, without having to add a text over them, which takes time and is very fidgety

  • Resize the Edit mode page when the screen is split. Right now when Screen is split you can only see the upper half of the Edit Mode screen. At least be able to scroll down.

-A freeze function for the clip module of the edit mode. Where you decide the tracks you want shown, and no matter your movement in other clip modules, that one will stay fixed. So you never have to scroll back if you have to launch a clip in that specific track. This would be gold. Same with Mixer Module.

  • Adding a clip from utility in Edit mode and subsequently pressing it to edit, is crashing my Touchable app.

-Be able to Costumize controls in the Mixer tab. So one can select what appears in accordance to their own workflow in a vertical manner. For example, I would like to see volume, arm and monitor in 1 window, instead of having to click three different windows, or adding Multicontrol which adds the controls horizontally. That way can decide in 1 column what I want for each track. Using Multicontrol make life hell as the tracks are split horizontally, the buttons become to small and unusable. Also, why would I want all controls eating up space If i only want a select few.

  • See the sends as rotaries in Mixer Module, all in one place, just like in Ableton. It would just make much more sense.

  • In Edit mode, be able to apply Snap to the controls would be heaven!

-More than 1 undo in Edit Mode.

-Background color selection to XYZ pad in Edit Mode

-Integrate Live 11 into Touchable, so we can take advantage of the new midi probability function!

-Snapshot function in Edit Mode, so you can take snapshot of controls if wanted.


Maybe I already mentioned it but a toggable snap function for Edit Mode controls would be so helpful, say I have an XYZ control mapped to some parameters, I move it around and arrive at a sweet spot, then toggle snap and be able to play around control whilst easily arriving to the snapped place. Same with faders.

I couldn’t find a way to assign samples to Sampler/Simpler and DrumRack. This would be super useful, please tell me if there is already this feature in the app.

Hello Pascal:)
Touchable is amazing and I really hope it works out with getting the app stable.
I seem to be one of the lucky few that has it running stable enough to perform live.
I did not want to hassle you guys with more feature requests but as you asked I would love to share mine.

My previous request about adding a counter to the clip recording has been answered in the last update I installed. It is a big improvement but unfortunately it is not quite there yet.
Once the clip recording starts, the counter starts to. The problem is that once I end the recording and the clip starts looping the counter continues indefinitely.
This takes away the benefit of being able to see clearly which clips are recording and which are just playing. Also while having the counter is great the numbers are very small. Would it be possible to just have a big number in bold letters 1, 2 ,3 , 4 along the size of the clip? For me seconds are really irrelevant when recording a loop live. But if it is useful info to other users it does not do harm , it just takes up space. For looping work flow one just needs to know when to press stop to make a nice round loop and big clear numbers would really help. Perhaps clock style could be an option in the settings.

My biggest feature request would be predefined loop lengths of clips. Some fast way to choose the length of the clip and the once selected one could hit record and not worry about timing the loop right. It is so easy to just hit the button a few seconds to late. When this happens i have to go into the clip settings and the readjust my clip for for example : 5 bar back to 4 to fix my loop.
This works but it could so easily be avoided.
If this would be difficult to program with ableton all that would be needed is for procreate to press the clip by it self at the pre adjusted time. As if a user would press the button.
You have this feature working for clip recording start but to my confusion not for ending the recording. It works great when set to 1 bar but when 8 bars are chosen it makes no sense to have to weight 8 bars for a clip to start recording.

Another problem I encounter with the app is foot control.
This issue and the once above are the only reasons I still need my laptop screen.
When I want to record a flute or anything else that requires two hands to play, I need foot control to start looping. So I have a foot pedal mapped to the enter button.
This way when selecting an empty clip all I have to do is press enter and the clip starts recording.
The problem is that when I move around my project and use dummy clips or do other things, at some point the clips won’t be selected. Even if I use touchable to select the clip, while highlighted it actually does not select the clip. And when I press enter the clip won’t record.
This forces me to use my mouse and select the clip to arm it ready for recording. Once I do this the next selected clips do work again from the app until I do certain things and it will require the mouse again.
It is such a shame to have to use a mouse with this glorious app.

Another feature would be to keep the locater locked on my clips.
When I am using midi mapped fx or dummy clips on other tracks etc, Touchable will jump away from my clips so I can no longer se what I am doing, even when recording clips.
To get back I have to move touchable up and down several times before it jumps back to where I am working. This is manageable but a bit clumsy and not needed.

The view finder ( the overall view of all clips in the project) is still not very clear at showing you where clips are playing. I know it shows a white line but when a projects is very large it becomes early visible.

The undo and redo buttons at the top are great but as the are right next to the play and stop button they are very risky to use in a live situation.
Perhaps some multi fingered gesture could be used just like in Procreate.
In my opinion Procreate have created a very fast streamlined workflow by taking advantage of multi touch gestures.
Perhaps it would be possible to customise which buttons would be available at the top bar.

Sliding the view of the project could be more responsive.
Many times it gets stuck on sliding sideways instead of up or vice versa , it could be much more responsive.

The following is perhaps more of a question than a feature request.
Is it possible to connect and audio interface to the iPad but simultaneously have touchable communicate with ableton?

Thank you for all your efforts! We are all rooting for you and believe in this app!
It is a shame and a worry to hear so many people complain.
It is hard for us musicians because it takes a lot of time to develop and train a workflow.
If the app would vanish we would have to start over as there is nothing that combines these features with the portability of a tablet

ok i have one very simple request:

i would love for the editors page “buttons” to be able to be mapped to QWERTY keyboard keystrokes and/or ableton transport controls. i want to use an old iphone as a simple remote for record/play/arm tracks, and the tranport buttons in the top menu bar are way too small for this use case.

i can do this with touchOSC already, but this lacks the track arming/adding/input selection of course.

danke & guten rutsch

Hello! In the next uPdate of the App, you could adjust the items on the screen, making it cleaner. The design of Touchable 3 is fantastic, especially since all of your Apps work even on iOS 9.3.5, this is really cool, as I am unable to buy a new iPad, nor a large touch screen. —- I would like to make a SUGGESTION: For the iPhone, it could be develop yet another simple, inexpensive project, with basic commands like REC, STOP, FORW, BACKW, etc., even because there are people with vision problems (it is my case, I have myopia, and have difficulty seeing small items). —-Ableton Link is not activating. The devices even link to each other when we set the “Ableton link” in the App, but in Ableton itself the “link” icon is always BLUE, not the yellow pattern. When I remember another suggestion, I come back ahahaha. Thanks!

Thanks for the input. A few notes:

Already possible: just tap and hold the plus button in the top bar while arming channels, will arm multiple channels.

already in the works :wink:

both should be covered with the upcoming update

also on our list, but it will take time to get it working properly

you can already by changing the page (up down button), or did i miss something?

should been fixed, with the latest update.

on our list, we will add another multi control mode, but this will take some time. snap mode is covered with the upcoming update.

will be part of the next update.

should be covered by adding the xymodule to the editor :slight_smile:

unfortunately we haven’t yet found a way to accomlish that…

I will get to the next features later this week…

All the best

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It will be really cool if Touchable has the most minimalist colors and design, as well as the “deceased” Conductr (who had an absurdly sophisticated, light, beautiful design). Touchable is already excellent. If you leave the colors and and icons more minimalist and matte, then it will be perfect. Of course, and updates must always be maintained, especially by correcting latency bugs and screen updates with Ableton, in real time. It’s always necessary to restart Touchable Pro for synchronize it with Ableton(when we add a track, for example).


mapping global parameters is on our list…

working on it :). we will also include a more clean “live” top, that will be selectable via the settings (see image of a first mockup i attached).

It’s very, very very cool! TouchAble is not just an App: it’s intelligence and commitment of you all developers, putting (literally!) at the tip of our fingers the control of one of the best DAWs today. “TouchAble” is very important for the world of music. You’ll all still go a long & succesfull way!

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Feature request for 2021 - reliable support & communication on here…!

That lacked severely in the past with multiple months of complete silence, which led to me barely using Touchable in 2020 (also due to a fair few broken releases hand in hand with the above mentioned non-existant support).
Fingers crossed Touchable becomes a usable & reliable option for me again [alas, the arrival of Live11 might make this more difficult with a fair few new features that would need supporting as well… but let’s see].
I hope this doesn’t come across as negative - it’s not meant to be and I can imagine how time consuming it is to maintain TouchAble, how little revenue it generates, and how therefore other priorities will need more focus… but just some feedback that simple, transparent communication will go a long way - opposed to many threads of frustrated users popping up when they feel left alone - who, one could say rightfully, expect a functioning product when it’s still being sold.


it would be great if you could get back to posting a changelog of the server and script updates as you have done for a while in the server update threads in this forum. thanks!

I am a heavy user of Follow Actions in general, but now even moreso with Live 11 as it supports FAs with scenes.

It would be fantastic if touchable was capable of showing the ‘glowing’ green triangles of the next upcoming scene, as well as what scene is currently playing - right now with follow actions enabled in live 11, touchable does not light the currently playing scene’s play button green, nor does it flash the next scene’s button.

It would also be awesome (though I’m not sure it’s possible) to show how much time is left on a scene before the next follow action is carried out - similar to how touchable shows the ‘sliding color bar’ when a clip is playing to show its position.


I do a lot of sound design using different warping mode and playing around with the buffer sizes and slice envelopes, for instance ducking sound with the beat warp mode and shortening the transients and changing the transiet buffe direction.
Could be it possible to add controls over the warp settings on the clip editor every time each warp mode is selected?

@Pascal. First of all thank you for the latest update, which fixed iPhone 12 layout issue!!!

I would like to know if there is a plan to support BLE as a third method of connection (after WiFi and USB)?

(I have some BLE controllers like Korg’s which work with low enough latency and have had a good result)

The use case is when I’m outside of my home where public WiFi does not allow communication between MacBook and iPhone and I would like to use it without USB (which will drain my computer battery as iPhone will try to charge itself).

Greetings all!

Il very pleased with Touchable and I am very happy about the arrangement view which helps me record takes from my vocal booth wirelessly…
This is really amazing combined with the new comp tracks feature of live 11.

it seems that right now I can only change the loop brackets, I would like to ask you to develop this part :
-to be able to Scroll the play head
-some basic transport control
-maybe even add locators or at least jump between existing ones?

Thanks a million for your awesome work!!