Feature Requests

Dachte, ich muss doch mal einen Vorschlag unterbreiten, den ihr aus meiner Sicht perfekt in euer Programm integrieren könntet und der aus meiner Sicht Gold wert wäre.

Vielleicht kennt ihr das kürzlich von Steinberg auf den Markt gekommene VST Live: https://www.steinberg.net/de/vst-live/features/

Neben anderen schönen Funktionen bietet das Programm aus meiner Sicht den enormen Vorteil (den man bei VST Live aktuell allerdings nur für Windows und iOS nutzen kann, was es aus meiner Sicht wieder unattraktiv macht, da Android fehlt), dass sich Songtexte, Akkorde und das Metronom auf verschiedene Geräte übertragen und synchronisieren lassen. Sehen tut man das auf der Homepage unter dem Punkt: „Vernetze dich mit deiner Band“ oder etwas genauer im Video, das man in der Übersichts-Seite findet.

Ich fände so etwas mega genial, wenn es das auch für Live geben würde. Und besser auf alle Geräte der Bandmitglieder übertragen und synchronisieren ließe sich das aus meiner Sicht mit keinem anderen Programm als mit eurer touchAble Software.

Ich weiß zwar nicht, wie man diese Funktion sinnvoll in Live integrieren könnte (vielleicht mit einem eigens entwickelten Device oder noch besser einer Spur, die sich im Arrangement-Fenster darstellen ließe, sich aber auch in Form von Clips in Lives Clip View integrieren ließe und dann bei Betätigung eines Clips z. B. den Refrain auf allen Geräten anzeigen würde?), denke aber, dass ihr hierfür eine Lösung finden würdet.

Darf ich wissen, was ihr von der Idee haltet und ihr sie für realistisch erachtet, sie in eure Programme für Windows, iOS und Android zu integrieren?
Bin gespannt, was ihr dazu meint.

I hope Touchable pro is still being supported. I recently read a comment that said it was dropped. This app is amazing and unrivaled in portability and style.
I still have one main feature request.

I have asked for this feature before but perhaps it is difficult to implement from a programming perspective.

The feature is as follows.
The possibility to record AUDIO clips in pre defined quantified lenghts.
This is huge in a livelooping workflow.
The main reason I still use the mouse is due to the lack of this feature.
If I record a 2 bar loop but press the button to late I have to enter the wave form and manually adjust the loop marker to have an even loop.

So if programming this is complicated how about the following solution.

The loops dont get stopped by the app but the position of the loop markers is predetermined.
So if its set to one bar and i record a 5 bar loop, at playback I will still only hear one bar due to the markers, this way one does not have to go and adjust anything.

The ideal way would be to hold down the record clip button and select the predetermined lenght from a drop down menu. 1,2,4,16,32,64

Another completely different method of implementing this function would be that the second trigger to stop recording is sent by touchable.

So i press record and that app will count untill the predetermined lenght before it sends a second press automatically.
This way ableton is not even involved in the mechanic.

I still dont see the point of my loops having a counter go on indefinitely, what use is it to know a clip has been looping for 456 bars and counting. At least them reflect their lenght.

Thank you and please keep this amazing app alive.
There are no alternatives, push is enormous and not handy to use next to a keyboard and other controllers.

Hello @Wave ,
there is a m4l plugin which does exactly that :slight_smile: i hope that you have Ableton Suite, so you can use it.

i personally use " Clip Length Recorder 1.0"
but it also seems to be a free version of it, called " Fixed Length Recording 1.1"

There actually are alternatives for Touchable Pro (e.g. LK [(Ableton Live & Midi Controller for iOS and Android - LK | Imaginando) ), although i agree that it would be awesome if the developers keep on supporting it, because it’s by far the best.

Hey thanks for the tip!
I tried the free version and it crashed instantly XD
I work with a big livelooping set which has 16 recording tracks so that means I would need 16 instances of this plugin. So not sure as that seems a lot for my already heavy loaded set. But still cool to know this is out there.

Track Delays.
I can’t find it anywhere.
Would it be possible?

Feature request:
The ability to remotely control the touchAble clip matrix grid selection in session view.

There are Max 4 Live patches as well as Ableton control surface remote scripts (ClyphX) that allow you to control the clip selection box. Remotify.io custom script editor might include this feature?

Note: these solutions typically only work for APC and Launchpad products.

My motivation - scrolling around in large Ableton sets can get sloppy when using touchAble. It’s not easy to scroll to a particular track and lock to that track as the first track in the selection box. Typically you need to adjust a bit to get the UI locked on “track 1” of the new selection grid. It would be nice if there was some sort of “snap to track” feature for the selection box.

Please integrate this functionality into touchAble! Thank you for developing an awesome product!