Getting started


I just purchased studiomux so that I can use Ableton to route midi into my iphone and have the audio come back into ableton.
Note I have tired emailing supoort before posting this, but email bounces back. There doesn’t seem to be a way to get in touch with support.

I’m reading the manual.

It’s very unclear what needs to be installed. Is it just studiomux server, or do I need midimux also?

A lot of the pages on the website don’t load properly.

I found this page.

Is this the only thing I need to install?

Opening the studiomux app on iphone - it just says - loading studiomux. Nothing else happens.

Is this normal?

Reading the manual:

“The studiomux VSTs are not installed by default,
please right-click the Studiomux icon in the taskbar and select Install 64-Bit
VSTs or Install 32-Bit VSTs depending on your current Windows version.”

Firstly, what are the studiomux vsts? Does studiomux have it’s own vsts?

There is no option to install 64 bit or 32bit when I right click on the icon.

But when I do click on it, it says 0 devices detected, despite my iphone been plugged into computer.

It does appear under vsts in ableton, which is good, but I can’t do anything with it, as it does not detect my iphone.

Let me know what to do as it is very confusing.