Latest touchAble Pro Server including Live 11 Scripts

I’ve installed the script and on Mac it says it was "Successfully installed touchAble Pro to Live’s User Library
/Users/DJ/Music/Ableton/User Library/Remote Scripts/touchAble "

My user library isn’t in that location. When I click on the server it says “0 scripts found” and in my Ableton Live settings there is no Touchable in the control surface scripts. Is this because there is no custom location install for the server script? If so, can we please get the option to set a location? Thanks

Have also made a remote script folder in user library : User Library/Remote Scripts/touchAble and it’s not recognized since the server doesn’t look in that location I guess? :face_with_monocle:

Can you please help me to make this app working?
Otherwise I’d appreciate a full refund…

Hi everyone,

I am having issues as well. On a 2017 Macbook Pro:

  • Catalina OS 10.15.7
  • Ableton Live 11.0.6

Ableton 11 does not show Touchable in the Preferences> Control Panel. It does allow me to select Touchable Script for the Input/Output options.

On the desktop Touchable will allow me to install Scripts V 1744. However if I scroll down to the “2 touchable Scripts Found” it will show Live 9.7.7 and Live 11.0.6 but they are greyed-out and unable to be selected.

I would appreciate some assistance with this especially since I just dropped $30 on this software.


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Can you please update the install instructions for the rewritten installer & script usage ?
(and post a link on the
Or does this exist and I just fail to find it…?

Seems this is creating a fair bit of confusion…
I as well fail to even register the latest testflight iPad versions with the 1.747 server (i.e. having the iPad listed in the server app as an available device, all I see is:
Available Devices Local/Wifi: 0
Active Connections: 0
[whereas I have 2 iPads listening…] )
Let alone making it work in Live (11)…


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i could finally reproduce the connection issue. It somehow seems to be releated to the app’s cached data. Could you please try to reset the touchAble UWP App’s data?

To reset the App’s data please search for ‘touchAble Pro’, click ‘App settings’ and select ‘Reset’.

We will modify the script installer, so the user can modify the install path in case the User Libary path has been modified, doesn’t exist or the User Library is not supported.

Sorry for the confusion, we will update the manual and guide within this week.


Bro, it ain’t working. I followed your steps… still no comunication betwin apps
I have no clue wtf is wrong, but it really hurts

On a MacBook Pro 15 2015 running Big Sur 11.6 and Ableton 11.0
Trying unsuccessfully to connect to the Touchable app on my iPad Pro 2021

Have followed the instructions in the manual (seems slightly outdated?), installed and re-installed latest remote scripts as well as restarted all apps a few times. I have set the right settings in Ableton (touchable shows up as input).
The touchable IOS App can see the connections (1 over USB and 3?? over WiFI), but does not connect. 0 touchable scripts found by the Touchable app on my Mac.

How do I proceed?

I’m openly willing to grant you access to my PC with remote desktop, if you reckon you could fix my issue… It’s almost one year I’m struggling to make this your great project working, but honestly, after paying £30 for a non working app, I’m starting to get really pissed off. I appreciate your effort, don’t take me wrong, but the price we paid is high, and the app is really on a pre-beta testing. I’m glad to be part of a development, but, can I at least enjoy some of my investment?

Have you had any luck? I’m also unable to get touchable pro communicating with the server (when running both on the same windows touch machine). I can get the server linked with Ableton Live, thats fine, but the touch app doesn’t detect anything.

Running latest versions, firewall turned off. Any help will be much appreciated how I can get this running on a single windows touch machine

Hey guys, I have tried to install the latest version of the server but I still run into problem that it doesn´t even install the script. It just says Ableton Script not selected and it shows the right path right to my User Library under it. Does anybody have any idea why is it behaving like this? Oh and I´m running the server on Windows 10 and have Ableton 11.

Latest script on Mac Monterey and app on iPad installed. App connects to network but all it’ll do is allow me to do is play with pads and keys; no kind of session view or transport interaction possible.

What is going on with the development and support? Seems all dead here. Any news on the line?


WOULD LOVE to see some script/server updates to work on Apple Silicon and Live 11.1 Please.


Looks like Pascal has posted last on Nov 16, '21 - this does not bode too well… but would be a real shame if there’s no more updates.
But, I guess only time will tell - fingers crossed!


I just bought it and it doesnt work!

Help ?

When I try to open the app on MacOS Monterey (12.2.1) it plays the animation as if it’s opening but nothing happens. The app won’t launch.

Hardware M1 Macbook Pro
OS: Monterey v12.4
Ableton: non-intel v11.1.1
Touchable server: v1749

I was having trouble with connectivity and seeing the touchable selection from the Control Surface dropdown list inside of preferences. After troubleshooting found the fix.

  1. Close Ableton if open
  2. From the touchable server app select install scripts
  3. When prompted to install to user library, select “NO (Install to legacy path)”
  4. Select your version of ableton from the dropdown
  5. Click install
  6. Relaunch Ableton and you should see touchable in the list of control surfaces now

Not working

Installed Live 11.1 and the latest Touchable script and TA is not showing up as a control surface. I tried installing to my user library per the default setting and also tried clicking no and installing to the ableton 11.1 default folder that you select from the drop-down menu. I also tried it manually copy pasting to the midi remote scripts folder and that doesn’t work either.

Pascal, i’m curious to know why you changed the install directory to ones user library folder to begin with. Was it because of new coding in Ableton or what?

Between this and losing all my NativeKontrol scripts when I updated to live 10, my workflow has been crippled…