studiomux and touchable pro in parallel crash

mainly studiomux, but i noticed i need to close and reopen both servers on pc to refind some sort of stability that lasts for 10/15 min. then crash again.
to be clear: i use touchable pro as intended and studiomux just for midi signal bridging from ONE PROGRAM AT A TIME to ableton midi tracks.
studiomux by himself doesn’t give any problem even with more apps sending midi. but making those two working togheter seems impossible.
I tried both on usb, one on usb and one on wifi and both on wifi, normally studiomux crashes, rarely touchable.
Is there a way to let them work togheter properly? did i miss something? maybe a single server for both could help?
howevr THANK YOU for the amazing job, i love both apps and would love to implement them in my live set.
P.S. there is some latency in the midi bridging, I fixed it in patterning 2 rotating every circle half step and in Fugue using the great offset control on ableton link options. however i0m surprised about this 72 ms latency given that the usb port that i used on studiomux tells me i should have just 3-12 ms latency on the connection… o.O
best wishes

an update, using blueboard to send CC midi messages creates no ulterior load and if possible stabilises a bit the system allowing me to have Fugue, studiomux, Blueboard host happ and touchable pretty stable for again 10/ 15 mins. then, with this setup, it is Touchable that crashes as soon as I don’t use it for a while, being momentarily focused on Fugue.
Still I aim at having these four apps + Patterning running and this is impossible to even think right now but again, the problem lies in compatibility between the two apps of yours i fear… PLEASE HELP!
i don’t see any reason why i should do a crossover setup with touchable and musicIO, i want to be able to go full zerodebug<3