update to 1.550 not working, please help


sorry for the inconvenience. Unfortunately i cannot open the log.txt, could you please send it to our help desk. We have also update the Apps to (1552)




Thanks pascal, I’ll try the latest server

Hi pascal, so i finally got the old version running again, i will update when others have confirmed that 1.5 is working fine, and when you have ironed out the bugs,

I updated the app, tried server 1.553, still no connection…so i went back to previous version


sorry to hear that. In contrast to the previous version (version before 1.5), we now use a udp discovery (making use of upd multicasting), to connect to the mobile devices. Since none of the updates seem to work for some users, we fear that the multicast feature is not active on some of your devices. We are investigating this and let you know, as soon as we have updates. If fixed we will let you know.



Is there a way to turn it on ?

Updated to 1.553, no crashes or disconects over here yet. (mainly using clip view) “Please update app” appears in the connection status. Server does not work with v3 still.

I’ve tried to update the app to the latest version but no luck. Im on iOS on an iPad Air 2


the new server will not work with t3 anymore. We have rewritten the connection part. To get it working please rename the touchAble 3 script folder to “touchAble3”, the pro server would overwrite them if not.

Also make to just run one server (pro/t3) at once.



We are looking for a way to do it programatically, or at least warn the user, if it is not activated. Also please make sure to activate IPv6 support:



Hey @Pascal,

I’ve changed the script folder of T3 to “touchable3” and installed the new version 1.554. I’ve added both scripts to ableton’s midi control surfaces. T3 still does not work.

Also experiencing dissconections in pro after I open a project. Connection status reads “conrtol surface not responding” It does not reconnect even after I restart the app. neither Pro Or T3 work now. I only used one server

I removed T3 script and reinstalled 1.554 and the app. seems to be fine. I’ve also tried reversing the naming system where I titled Pro “touchablepro” which did not work as well.

What is the time frame for touchablePro to be properly updated? Will the next app update include feature updates like fixing the clip view loop/beat jump section and clips remaining highlighted after they’ve been played (like it was previous to the new update) I have a deadline so I’m going to have to go back to T3 for my set up when I specifically bought Pro for this after having T3 for years.

Hey Chris,

first of all it’s great to hear that the connection works fine again for you!

However i also have to bring you some bad news: touchAble v3 will not be compatible with this server version anymore. We switched to a completely different client / server code with the update to 1.5 - and we do not want to risk changing touchAble 3 as it’s still used a lot in critical situations.
Our plan now is to have the two work in parallel - or standalone - but with different servers & scripts.This will take a few weeks to get done cleanly - but we are on it!

It is possible to use them side by side by renaming the touchAble 3 server e.G. touchAble3.app / and the scripts touchAble3.
However - until we get them to work side by side, you will have to switch between the two whenever you use either app unfortunately.

The next smaller updates within this week will probably still focus on issues that surfaced after the launch. We’ll get the loop/beatjump section done right after!

Sorry it’s not what you invested in yet - promise you we’ll get there soon!

Thanks @Christian,

I see what you mean. can only use one at a time with the dedicated servers each on their own. I’m looking forward to seeing these updates.

Edit: I’ve updated to 1.555 and the only server it opens is 1.555 so V3 is no longer working if the 1.555 app is installed. Renaming doesn’t help.

Hey Chris,
yes, you are right, we have to rename the server and the scripts, it cannot be done by the enduser, unfortunately.
So for the moment you have to re-install the according server each time you want to switch the apps:
You want to go touchAble 3: Re-install the server v 428, configure and you can use touchAble 3
You want to use touchAble Pro: Re-install the server v 1.555 and you can use touchAble Pro.
We will fix that possibly until the end of June, but for the moment you have to go this rather inconvenient way, sorry!

My experience with touchAble: takes me hours to fix all the new problems every time I want to use it and I end up being bored and stopping music

Hi esk,
we fixed a lot of bugs nagging each only a very few users in the last two weeks…
We are hopeful that our newest iteration v1.560 now has squashed all bugs we were notified of (and a few, tbh), please give it a try.